Highland Park - 12 Years Old - Eunson's Legacy

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September 2024
Lot #600231

Highland Park - 12 Years Old - Eunson's Legacy

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Lot Condition - view here

General condition of tube

Rusting inside tube

  • Lot Type: Full Size
  • Distillery: Highland Park
  • Country: Scotland
  • Region: Islands
  • Type: Single Malt Whisky
  • Size: 70cl
  • Strength (%): 40%
  • Age: 12 Years Old
  • Bottle No: 418
  • Distillery Status: Operational
  • Shipping Weight: 2.00 KG
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Highland Park - 12 Years Old - Eunson's Legacy

This bottle was released in 1998 to celebrate the distillery's bicentenary. Entitled 'The Dram the Team built' the Eunson's Legacy was only given to employees of Highland Park and the Highland Distillers at the time.

Established in 1798 by David Robertson, Highland Park distillery stands on the historic site of Magnus Eunson's cottage. Eunson, renowned as both a church beadle and a notorious smuggler, left a lasting legacy on the distillery's beginnings. Officially licensed in 1826, Highland Park experienced a slowdown in production when James Borwick inherited the distillery in 1869. As a priest, Borwick felt that whisky production conflicted with his religious calling. However, in 1876, Stuart and Mackay assumed ownership, significantly boosting sales through extensive overseas exportation efforts.

Tube states 43% and the bottle is 40%. Research has shown the tube is the original to the bottle. 


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