Highland Park - 35 Year Old - John Goodwin Retirement

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February 2021
Lot #180388

Highland Park - 35 Year Old - John Goodwin Retirement

[% bid_descriptor_text %]:
[%% bid_value|multi_currency %%]
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  • Shipping Weight: 2.00 KG
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Highland Park - 35 Year Old - John Goodwin Retirement An extremely rare older bottling by Highland Park Distillery. Distilled in October 1997 in honour of John McLeod Goodwin who joined Highland Distillers in 1962 as Company Secretary, was appointed Chairman in 1988 and retired on 31st December 1997. **Please note - No tube** We recommend that you undertake close up viewing/inspection prior to placing any bid. If you require any further information or pictures please contact us.  

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